Running Javardry


Javardry does not tamper with the registry, so just put it in a directory and run it, then delete it when it's no longer needed.
Please note that you cannot play the game with just Javardry itself, so please install the scenario data (gameData.dat) you want to play before running the game.


The program itself (class file) is Javadry.jar. Please start it using one of the following methods. Note that the jar file name cannot be changed. You can do so (but do not change the file extension).
On the title screen immediately after launching, you can switch the auto map display on/off (map display/number display). The default is on.

The following problems may occur.

< a name="argument">Argument

You can specify the window size at launch by using the arguments at run time.
The arguments are Javardry If launching with .exe, specify it by writing in Javardry.ini. In that case, write "-jar Javardry.jar -errorText -size 800 -bgm on -se on" etc.


You can change the window size etc. while the game is running.

Change font

Depending on the execution environment, the display may be misaligned due to differences in fonts. Basically, it is set to match the Windows environment, so in other cases, specify the font in font.txt in the data directory. It will not be reflected during startup, so if you change font.txt, restart Javardry.
The font must be a monospaced (fixed-width) font or the display will be distorted. Specify the logical font name (monospaced) or the physical font name (MS Gothic, MS Mincho, IPAGothic, IPAMincho, VL Gothic, etc.). In Linux, it seems that font specification may not work properly due to a problem with the Java settings. As a temporary measure, you can directly specify a TrueType font (a file with the extension ttf) in the same directory as font.txt. In that case, specify the file name, such as Font = "ipag.ttf".
The default setting is Font = "monospaced".
The character code of font.txt should be set to UTF-8. If you want to use a code other than UTF-8, specify the character code in the startup arguments.

Scenario data

Scenarios are executed by reading gameData.dat in the data directory. If this data is old (created with an older version of the editor than the editor that is compatible with the launched Javardry main body), a consistency check is performed when loading, so the loading time is slightly longer than usual (or significantly longer depending on the size of the scenario data and the environment). If the old data is successfully loaded, the old data is renamed to gameData.bak, and the corrected scenario data is written as a new gameData.dat. The consistency check is skipped when launching the program for the second time or later, so the loading time is the normal time. The slow loading time is by design.

Notation characters (text)

Most characters (text) that do not depend on the scenario data are written in English (like) in the built-in data, but if there is defaultMessage.txt in the data directory, it will be read and changed to the notation according to its contents. If you haven't changed anything, Japanese will be displayed from the beginning, but that's because the Japanese version of defaultMessage.txt is there. Changes to defaultMessage.txt are not reflected during startup, so if you rewrite defaultMessage.txt, restart Javardry. Note that defaultMessage_eng.txt is the same data as the built-in English (style) display. If you want to use it, replace defaultMessage.txt with it. Even if you just delete defaultMessage.txt, it will be the built-in English (style) display, but it's only an English-like display, so if you really want an English version, I think it's best to modify defaultMessage_eng.txt to your liking and replace it with defaultMessage.txt.
I won't go into detail about each setting because it's too much hassle, but I hope you can get the gist of it by looking at the original data. Even if you rewrite defaultMessage.txt, the names of races, jobs, items, monsters, etc. will not change because they depend on the scenario data. Therefore, it is better for the creator of the scenario data, not the player, to change the atmosphere of the text to suit their own scenario, or to use all English.
Please set the character code of defaultMessage.txt to UTF-8. If you want to use a code other than UTF-8, specify the character code as an argument at startup.

There are some special items, which are explained below.

Changing spell names

Spell names are set in the scenario data, but players can change them to their own spell names by rewriting spell.txt in the data directory. This will not be reflected during startup, so if you rewrite spell.txt, please restart Javardry.
To specify, specify the spell type from 0 to 3, the spell level from 0 to 9, and each spell from 0 to 5, and do it randomly using the following as a reference. The spell name can be up to 24 characters long.

SPELL0_0_0 = "Spell name" (first spell of 1st level, first spell of the first spell family)
SPELL1_6_3 = "Spell name" (fourth spell of 7th level, second spell family)
SPELL3_9_5 = "Spell name" (sixth spell of 10th level, fourth spell family)

The character code of spell.txt should be set to UTF-8. If you want to use a code other than UTF-8, specify the character code as an argument when starting the program.

Images, Music, and Sound Effects

Save play data

Play data is automatically saved during play. The timing of auto-save is as follows. Saving within the dungeon (camping, moving to a new floor, ending a battle, being wiped out, or when the adventure is interrupted) may be turned off depending on the scenario settings.

Save data is saved in the data directory under the name save.dat. Each scenario data is set with an identification string for the scenario, which is reflected in the save data. Therefore, save data cannot be read except in scenarios with matching identification strings.
In addition, a backup file called save.bak is created every 10 minutes for save data, save0.bak if the scenario identification string does not match, and save1.bak if loading of other save data fails. Replace save.dat with this file if necessary.