How to use Javardry

Operation is done with a keyboard or gamepad. Mouse operation is also possible.

Control keys, buttons

The default settings are as follows, but you can change the settings of the keyboard keys and gamepad buttons in the Key Settings.

Gamepad Operation

You can operate with a gamepad by turning on gamepad operation in the arguments at run time or in Options during execution. However, since pressing multiple buttons at the same time is not supported, you cannot move left and right with Shift + left and right keys (you can move left and right with one button). The button identification name differs depending on the gamepad and execution environment, so check the identification name with Key test in Options and perform key configuration.
In the case of a Linux environment, you need to make the directory containing the native libraries (, recognized as a shared library through the path, and also change the permissions of /dev/input/* so that it can be read by anyone other than the owner.
If you want to use a gamepad without relying on Javardry's functions, please use free software such as JoyToKey (Windows) or QJoyPad (Linux) that converts input from a gamepad to keyboard input.

Mouse operation

If you turn on mouse operation in the arguments at run time or in the Options during execution, you will be able to operate by clicking on the screen.
By left-clicking the range shown below, the corresponding key will be operated. Right-clicking is the cancel key operation.
When using touch operation, the action of pressing and releasing after a long press may be the right-click operation, so pressing and holding a button for multiple hits is not supported. Instead, by clicking HoldDown, you can hold down the key you just pressed. Pressing (clicking) any key next will release the hold.

Key Settings

You can set the keyboard keys and gamepad buttons for operation in keyConfig.txt in the data directory. This will not be reflected during startup, so if you change keyConfig.txt, restart Javardry.

By entering the following identifiers in the settings (multiple settings can be made by separating them with commas), you can set the corresponding keys and buttons. You can check the identifiers corresponding to keys and buttons with Key test in Options. Please note that the settings for Enter, Escape, and Alt cannot be changed.

If not set (setting item is left blank), the following default settings will be used.

      KEY_UP = "up, numpad8, gamepad_up"
      KEY_DOWN = "down, numpad2, gamepad_down"
      KEY_RIGHT = "right, numpad6, gamepad_right"
      KEY_LEFT = "left, numpad4, gamepad_left"
      KEY_SHIFT = "shift"
      KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT = "numpad9, gamepad_5, gamepad_zUp"
      KEY_SHIFT_LEFT = "numpad7, gamepad_4, gamepad_zDown"
      KEY_ENTER = "space, z, numpad5, gamepad_0"
      KEY_CANCEL = "backspace, x, numpad0, gamepad_1"
      KEY_STATUS = "s, numpad3, gamepad_6"
      KEY_SUBMENU = "a, numpad1, gamepad_2"
      KEY_MAP = "c, m, add, gamepad_3"
      KEY_RESET = "r"
      KEY_DEBUG = "p"

Debug Commands

If debug commands are allowed in the scenario data, you can use debug commands. Press the P key on the keyboard to display a text input field, then type the following command (without [ ]) and press Enter. Press Enter with the field blank or press ESC to make the input field disappear.
The execution results are displayed in the console (command prompt, terminal), so to use debug commands that display the results, you must start the command from the console (command prompt, terminal).