Running JavardryEditor


JavardryEditor does not tamper with the registry, etc. So just put it in a directory and run it, then delete it when you no longer need it.


The program itself (class file) is JavadryEditor.jar. Please start it using one of the following methods. You can change the jar file name (do not change the extension). ).


You can specify whether or not to check data by using arguments at run time.
If you start with JavardryEditor.exe, the arguments are written in JavardryEditor.ini. Specify by: In that case, write "-jar JavardryEditor.jar -errorText -noCheck 1" etc.

Wall existence flag, map traversal flag, hidden door flag, locked door flag

The wall existence flag is a flag that switches between enabling and disabling (yes/no) walls and doors. This flag corresponds to the walls and doors numbered 0 to 511 for each floor, and is enabled when true and disabled when false. The initial value is true.
The map traversal flag is a flag to determine the coordinates that have been visited. If not reached, it is false, and if traversed (mapped), it is true. The initial value is false, but depending on the settings in the pre-mapping edit, the initial value may be true.
The hidden door flag is a flag that indicates whether hidden door 2 (a hidden door of the side story type) has been discovered. This flag corresponds to the hidden doors numbered 0 to 511 for each floor, and is discovered when true and undiscovered when false. The initial value is false.
The locked door flag indicates whether the locked door is unlocked. This flag corresponds to a locked door with a serial number from 0 to 511 for each floor. When this flag is true, the door is unlocked, and when this flag is false, the door is locked. The initial value is false.
See the Flag operation below for how to change the flag.

Flag operation

Flag operation can be performed during castle events, dungeon events, when entering a dungeon (floor), when defeating a monster guarding the main chamber, when items are collected from the shop, and by spell effects. The format is to separate the flag, special flag, wall existence flag, map traversal flag, hidden door flag, and locked door flag numbers and values ​​with a comma, and to specify multiple flags, separate them with <>.
For the flag number, you can write the number directly, or write f[ ] for flags, s[ ] for special flags, w[ ][ ][ ] for wall existence flags, m[ ][ ][ ][ ] for map traversal flags, h[ ][ ][ ] for hidden door flags, and l[ ][ ][ ] for locked door flags.
For wall existence flags, the first value is 0-9 for the dungeon number, the second is 0-15 for the dungeon floor (0 is the lowest floor), and the third is 0-511 for the wall/door serial number.
For the map exploration flag, the first value is 0-9 and specifies the dungeon number, the second value is 0-15 and specifies the dungeon floor (0 is the lowest floor), and the third and fourth values ​​are 0-19 and specify the coordinates (x, y).
For the hidden door flag, the first value is 0-9 and specifies the dungeon number, the second value is 0-15 and specifies the dungeon floor (0 is the lowest floor), and the third value is 0-511 and specifies the serial number of the hidden door.
For the locked door flag, the first value is 0-9 and specifies the dungeon number, the second value is 0-15 and specifies the dungeon floor (0 is the lowest floor), and the third value is 0-511 and specifies the serial number of the locked door.
These values ​​can be specified in range using hyphens.
For the flag value, 0 is false, 1 is true, and 2 is inverted.
The following is an example.


Set flag 158 to false.
Set flags 0 to 9 to true.
Invert flag 10.
Set special flags 0 to 1 to true.
Set wall presence flag number 1 on floor 0 of dungeon 2 to false.
Set map completion flags for x coordinates 0 to 19 and y coordinates 0 to 19 on floors 0 to 15 of dungeons 0 to 9 to false. In short, set the all map exploration flag to false.

How to display images during events, etc.

You can display images when displaying certain text (castle events, when items are collected, messages in dungeons, messages for spell-sealing traps, the first text of dungeon events, the main text of dungeon events, and the message board of dungeon events). To display an image, use either
<img src="image file">
<img src="image file" width="image width (width when the original height is 100)">
Specify the image you want to display with either of the following. Images are specified with the Javardry graphic directory as the root, omitting the extension. For example, if you want to display the image test.jpg in the graphic directory, use , and if you want to display event01.jpg in the graphic/event/001 directory, use . For information on image formats, etc., see the image explanation in Running Javardry.
The image size is based on the Javardry window size of 300*300, and if width is not specified, it will be 100*100. The height is fixed at 100, but the width can be specified up to 200. The image will be resized when displayed as the window size changes, but the image you prepare should usually be 100*100, and high quality 200*200 as a guideline. Of course, it's a hassle to prepare two, so it's fine to just prepare one image of 400*200. I'm just afraid that it will become heavy. (※ Specify the width value when the height of the original size is 100. If the height and width are the same, there is no need to specify it, but for example, if you want to display an image of 200*100 or 400*200, set the width to 200, if it is 100*200 or 200*400, set the width to 50, and if it is 300*200 or 600*400, set the width to 150.)
Images are displayed within the message display frame. To avoid overlapping text, 10 lines will be left blank when an image is displayed. Since one page can contain up to 12 lines, only 2 lines of text can be displayed together with an image. That said, images can be displayed on a page-by-page basis, so you should only display them when necessary.
To be honest, I think it's hard to understand even for myself, so I've included an example below.
<img src="boxClose">
There is a treasure chest in front of you.
"Now, open it. It's not like I'm giving you treasure or anything but it's actually a mimic, you know!"
You opened the treasure chest while thinking how annoying it was.
<img src="boxOpen">

Calculation formula

You can use calculation formulas for various judgment rates, etc. With some exceptions, the calculation results are corrected to integer type (-2147483648 to 2147483647).
Some reference values ​​have been written differently, but most of them can still be written in the old way. For example, the reference to the spell nullification rate has been changed from pc.spellCancel to, but even if you write pc.spellCancel, it is internally replaced with, so there should be no problem... I think.

Conditional Expression

The following conditional expression is used to determine whether an event should be executed (branched). It is basically the same as the formula above, and if the result is 0, it is considered false, and if it is not 0, it is considered true. Note that the calculation result is an integer, but since decimals are also used during the calculation, values ​​such as 0.5 are treated as true rather than false during the calculation.
Previously, conditional expressions could only be used in execution judgment statements such as events, but now they can be used in most judgment rates and judgment statements. Even if they cannot be used, the result will just be 0 (should be), so just use them casually.
Similar to calculation formulas, some formatting has been changed, but in most cases the previous writing style is fine. For example, Item[ ] has been changed to AllItem[ ], PtNum[ ] to PtMemberNum[ ], and PtNumP[ ] to pt.MemberNum[ ], but they are replaced internally and the results obtained should be the same...