In the "Main" tab, you will configure the scenario title and basic settings.
According to "Everything About Wizardry" by Benimatsu, in FC version Wiz#1, PCs attack the first monster in the group, and when checked, this behavior will be followed. If there are multiple monsters in the group and adventurers A to C attack the group, all three adventurers will attack the first monster A in the group.
In FC version Wiz#2, the PCs attack in order from the first monster in the group, and when unchecked, this behavior will be followed. If there are multiple monsters in the group and adventurers A to C attack the group, adventurer A will attack monster A, adventurer B will attack monster B, and adventurer C will attack monster C.
Now, in the FC version Wiz#2 specification, what happens if there are more adventurers attacking than monsters in the group? In that case, the attacking adventurers will go back to attacking from the first monster. If there are two monsters in the group and three adventurers attack, adventurer A will attack monster A, adventurer B will attack monster B, and adventurer C will attack monster A. If adventurer D also attacks, they will attack monster B.
Because of this specification, "Everything About Wizardry" concludes that placing the adventurer with the highest attack power in the second position is optimal in the FC version Wiz#2, but in Javardry, if the monster being attacked is already dead, the attacking adventurer will target the first surviving monster in the group, so this doesn't require much concern.
The FC version Wiz#2 specification imagines a front-line warrior keeping each monster in check, but at least in Javardry, the coordination with group attack spells can be beneficial, and it seems more like a romantic setting that might disadvantage adventurers.