This fansite is maintained by Fhiz and contains material for Javardry. Its main purpose is to provide a machine-translated manual to the public in English, with some tweaks added. Please note that I am not the original author of Javardry. This project is courtesy of the original author.
Javardry is a Java-based clone of Wizardry. By replacing the scenario data created with JavardryEditor, you can play different scenarios. While it incorporates some unique features, think of it as a tool for creating and playing scenarios similar to Wizardry #1–#3 and Gaiden #1–#3.
Since the specifications of Javardry vary by scenario, this manual provides only general explanations. For gameplay, please refer to the manual of each scenario. For "Scenario #1: The Trial Grounds of the Swordsmith King," there is a guide for beginners or those unfamiliar with Wizardry-like games. It is recommended to read it.
Although the JavardryEditor is called an editor, it is essentially a rudimentary input-support tool. Scenario data is plain text (.txt), which can be edited directly. However, doing so may disrupt formatting and make it unreadable, so it is generally safer to avoid direct editing. For tasks such as bulk renaming, direct editing can be convenient, but make sure to back up the data beforehand. I intend to fix obvious bugs, but any inconveniences are considered part of the design, so please bear with them. While this manual aims to explain the editor in detail, any unclear points can be addressed on the forum.
Frequently asked questions (or potentially common questions) are compiled in the FAQ. If you encounter issues, please check the FAQ first. Additionally, if you think something should be added to the FAQ or manual, please share your suggestions on the forum.
- You can set up to 36 attribute values (however, 11th and above are treated as hidden parameters), and up to 36 races and classes.
- You can give each race various resistance abilities and breath abilities.
- You can set basic AC, learned spells, thief abilities, etc. for each class.
- You can register up to 36 adventurers in the training grounds (36-120 depending on the scenario settings).
- You can set up to 4 types and 10 levels.
- You can set spells that combine multiple effects (such as a spell that deals damage, increases AC, silences, and puts the enemy to sleep).
- You can create spells with different effects depending on gender and personality. The same spell can heal when used by a good person, but attack when used by an evil person. Yep, it doesn't seem like there's much use for it.
- Item types are weapons, armor, shields, helmets, gauntlets, boots, and others. You can create up to 10,000, but you probably won't need that many.
- You can give them the same effect as spells when you use them. Of course, there is also SP (special power).
- You can also create sub-weapons (dual wielding) and weapons that can attack multiple enemies in a group.
- You can set whether the item is in an uncertain or certain state when you obtain it.
- You can create up to 10 dungeons with a maximum of 16 floors. The size of one floor is a maximum of 20*20.
- You can set whether lighting is available for each floor, whether you can enter by teleport, and entry restrictions based on gender and personality.
- You can create secret doors like those in Wiz#1-#3 (which may or may not be visible, but can be passed through at any time) and those in Gaiden#1-#2 (which cannot be passed through unless discovered with the search command for secret doors).
- You can also create chutes, shafts, one-way doors, shutters, locked doors, and one-way stairs.
- You can create events that involve obtaining items, message boards, or using spell effects.
- You can set whether spell effects such as lighting and protection will continue when the adventure resumes.
- You can set whether you will be lost when teleported into the stone, or whether all will be killed and their corpses will be transported to the surface.
- There is a concept of attack range. Of course, it is also possible to create scenarios like those in Wiz#1-#3 where there is no concept of range.
- You can set whether spells can be used when preemptively attacking.
- You can set up to 10,000 types of monsters, but setting up that many is very tedious.
- You can eliminate the indeterminate state of monsters (always make it 100% certain).
- You can make them take specific actions (such as always breathing out a breath or continuing to cast a specific spell as long as MP lasts).
Treasure Chest Traps
- You can set up to 16, and you can set which traps are likely to appear on each floor of the dungeon.
- The effects of the traps can be the same as those of spells. You can create traps that deal damage like crossbow arrows, traps that change status like poison needles, stunners, and treasure boxes, and traps that combine these.
- You can set the names of each facility, such as taverns, inns, shops, temples, and castles.
- You can set whether or not you can form a party at a tavern regardless of personality.
- You can set lodging fees, recovery values, and the number of days that have passed since staying at an inn.
- You can set various fees at shops and temples. ...Well, this is pretty much a given.
- Various types of judgments (attack hit checks, trap disarm checks, etc.) are specified using a formula that references the adventurer's characteristic values and other factors to determine the success rate. It takes a lot of work, but I think you can tweak it to your liking.
- The editor is difficult to use by design.
System Requirements
It should work if you have a reasonably recent version of Java VM (Java Virtual Machine). If Java is unfamiliar or does not work, visit the official Java site (http://www.java.com/ja/) to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
- Windows 98 or later (including Oracle JRE or OpenJDK variants like Amazon Corretto) is supported. Compatibility has been confirmed on Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and 11.
- Linux (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04, 22.04 with OpenJDK) has been tested and works.
- Mac environments remain untested due to lack of access.
* For distributing custom scenarios, see Publishing Scenarios.
You are free to redistribute unmodified original files. For modified files (e.g., changes to defaultMessage.txt, or additions/replacements of images, music, etc.), you must retain references to the original creator (me, THU) and any borrowed assets, though the format can be changed. Otherwise, please act with general courtesy. Linking to my site or reporting redistribution is appreciated but not mandatory.
For questions, please use the Suisei Moushi Support Forum on the website below. Depending on the content, email inquiries are also acceptable.
- Suisei Moushi
- Suisei Moushi Support Forum