Various monsters appear within the dungeon. Monsters have the following data:
- Name, Uncertain Name
The monster's name, and the name that will appear when uncertain. The uncertain name will also appear in parentheses after the monster's confirmed name.
- Type (Category)
The type of the monster, classified as warrior, mage, priest, thief, dwarf, giant, mythology (mythical beasts, ancient creatures), dragon, animal, beastmen, undead, demons, insects, magical creatures (magical beasts, 妖魔), or mysterious creatures. This affects item double strike effects, defense effects, etc.
- Experience Points
Set for each monster and divided among the party members when defeated.
- Attack Effects
Special effects inflicted (on adventurers) when an attack succeeds, including sleep, poison, paralysis, petrification, level drain, critical hits, and knockout.
- Breath
Some monsters may have the ability to use breath attacks. Breath attacks include sleep, poison, paralysis, petrification, level drain, instant death, fire, cold, lightning, holy, and null attributes.
- Resistance, Weakness
Resistance works similarly to the resistance abilities of items. For weaknesses, damage is doubled, and for other types, the resistance success rate becomes 0%.
- Special Actions (Calling, Fleeing)
Monsters may take actions like calling for reinforcements or fleeing.
- Friendly Reactions
Monsters may show friendly reactions with a certain probability. However, depending on the dungeon floor settings, some monsters may never show friendly reactions.
- Appearance Count
The number of monsters that appear in a single group. The maximum number of appearances may be limited based on the dungeon floor settings.
- Following Monsters
The probability and the monsters that may appear with the next group. The maximum number of groups that can appear may be limited based on the dungeon floor settings.
- Items Held
If the monster is the first one in the group upon appearance, certain items may be found in treasure chests after battle, with specific probabilities.
- Status
Monsters can have the following statuses: normal, sleep, unconscious, silence, restraint, and death. These statuses are generally the same as those for adventurers.
- Level, Attributes, HP, MP, AC
These are generally the same as those for adventurers.
- Damage, Attack Range, Attack Count
These are generally the same as those for items (weapons).