Changed the specifications of the ladder image. (※The ladder image needs to be replaced. If you have made your own ladder, you will need to modify it.)
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.185
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused the floor and ceiling to turn completely white when they were hidden.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when trying to display an unlit floor when using a distant image setting.
[JavardryHTML5] The loading screen display, which used to repeat the same pattern, has been changed to a display that looks like you are walking around in a dungeon.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5] Added a reference value so that the damage rate calculation results can be different when using an item and when releasing SP.
Updated the Chinese language file (created by Sandersan).
JavardryEditor Ver.1.028, Manual Ver.1.049
[JavardryEditor] Added a function to cut data checks when loading edited data in the startup arguments. (Due to circumstances, the editor version remains the same)
Javardry Ver.1.058, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.183, JavardryEditor Ver.1.028, Manual Ver.1.048
Spell effect 83: Added "Action order correction".
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.182
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that allowed players to enter inns and shops even if the player was dead.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.181
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loop when a monster tried to use a full-party breath attack in the same turn after the players were wiped out during battle.
Javardry Ver.1.057, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.180, JavardryEditor Ver.1.027, Manual Ver.1.047
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] When the monster uses the spell effect 200: "HP Damage", the damage value reference attackDamageSub is modified to refer to the damage value when attacking twice.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] The number of wall existence flags, hidden door flags, and locked door flags has been expanded to 512 per floor.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added individual specification of characteristic values when erasing the spell effects 80, 81, and 82.
Javardry Ver.1.056, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.179, JavardryEditor Ver.1.026, Manual Ver.1.046, Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial Ver.1.011
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Fixed so that 0 can be specified for characteristic values such as race initial values.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Spell effect 200: Fixed so that the damage value during normal attacks can be referenced in "HP Damage".
[Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial][Bug fix] In the "Additional damage due to characteristic values, etc." in the battle tab, the reference value was set to pc instead of my, so it was fixed.
Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial Ver.1.010
[Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial][Bug fix] Fixed an incorrect image name for Principality.
[Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial] Changed gender selection to None.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.178
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug where the item selection display frame would expand by the number of items when using an item when possessing 13 or more items.
Javardry Ver.1.055, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.177
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed the condition formula for determining possession of owned items when creating a PC, as the general calculation formula was not replaced.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed several other bugs.
Javardry Ver.1.054, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.176, JavardryEditor Ver.1.025, Manual Ver.1.045
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Increased the upper age limit to 9999999.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Increased gender to four types, added gender settings for each race.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] Split the operation guide display of SHIFT + left/right keys to the left and right, changed the basic number of items displayed on the status screen to 12.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.175, Manual Ver.1.044
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Abolished manual setting for loading high-resolution images (images with _HR at the end of the file name) and changed to automatic adjustment.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.174, Manual Ver.1.043
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added a setting to turn off the loading of high-resolution images (images with _HR at the end of the file name) in the description of the executable HTML file.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Implemented some efficiency improvements in the file loading process.
Javardry Ver.1.053, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.173, JavardryEditor Ver.1.024, Manual Ver.1.042
[Javardry][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loop when a summoned monster immobilized itself with a sleep spell, etc.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug in applying the general calculation formula.
[Manual] Describes the console display (in the browser) in the HTML5 version.
Javardry Ver.1.052, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.172
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug when loading save data after the change.
Javardry Ver.1.051, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.171, Manual Ver.1.041
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] When loading save data, PC data is sorted and loaded in the order of the training field. *This is an internal change that has no effect on players, but since the save data reading part has been significantly changed, there is a high possibility that some malfunctions will occur. Please perform a performance test before making this change.
Javardry Ver.1.050, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.170, JavardryEditor Ver.1.023, Manual Ver.1.040
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Changed to increase the maximum number of registered PCs to 120. Additionally, the initial PC can now be set to up to 120 people. (Editor's [Facilities] tab - [PC Creation and Job Change] tab - [PC Creation])
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Item catalog and monster catalog can now display multiple pages of description text. Only the first page of an item description is displayed outside of the catalog.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] [Bug fixes] Fixed bugs related to music playback, resistance calculation for the spell effect "Spell Learning", display of description text for each conditional branch of spells in the editor, and a few other bugs.
Javardry Ver.1.049, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.169, JavardryEditor Ver.1.022, Manual Ver.1.039
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug where unset attribute values were not set to -1 when saving save data.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to treat attribute values of 0 as unset when loading play data in order to deal with save data where unset attribute values were not saved correctly due to the above bug (Editor's [Main] tab - [General]).
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to prevent death from old age even if the attribute value becomes 0(Editor's [PC] tab - [Attribute value]).
Javardry Ver.1.048, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.168, JavardryEditor Ver.1.021, Manual Ver.1.038
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to recover HP, etc. when returning to the ground(Editor's [Other] tab - [2] tab - [Recovery when returning]).
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to restore HP and MP to full when revived in a temple(Editor's [Facility] tab - [Facility] tab - [Temple]).
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to return the party to the surface when all enemies are wiped out(Editor's [Main] tab - [Dungeon]).
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a setting to change drain attacks (attack additional effect) to HP drain for each monster(Editor's [Monster] tab - [1] tab - [Attack additional effect]).
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor] Added a special attack success rate setting for HP drain separate from level drain(Editor's [Battle] tab - [2] tab - [Special attack success rate]).
[Javardry] Image display adjustment.
Javardry Ver.1.047, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.167, Manual Ver.1.037
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] When options are displayed on the status screen, PC switching is now only operated with the left and right movement keys, and the operation keys (SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT) are displayed.
[Javardry] The size of the face image displayed on the status screen has been slightly increased to match the HTML5 version.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.166, Manual Ver.1.036
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added playback volume adjustment to Options.
Javardry Ver.1.046, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.165, JavardryEditor Ver.1.020, Manual Ver.1.035
Added item-specific (in battle) use message settings.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] When selecting the level of a teleportation spell, the text of the level selection option was not right-justified, so it has been fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.045, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.164
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] When loading past save data (play data) with scenario data in which attribute values have been added, the additional attribute values for each PC are fixed to the initial species value.
Javardry Ver.1.044, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.163 Replaced with the same version
Fixed a bug that caused the game to stop loading (when there is no spell type and "The lowest spell type is for monsters only" is checked, or when there is no general calculation formula and several conditions overlap).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.163
Fixed to allow changing the directory (folder) names for music and sound effects.
Javardry Ver.1.044, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.162, JavardryEditor Ver.1.019, Manual Ver.1.034
Added general-purpose formulas (formulas that can be substituted and used within various formulas and conditional expressions).
Javardry Ver.1.043, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.161
[Javardry] Fixed a bug where the display frame of summoned monsters was misaligned depending on the screen size.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] Added a setting for the color of the triangle mark that appears when there are multiple pages when selecting an option (_SELECT_OVER_COLOR).
Javardry Ver.1.042, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.160, JavardryEditor Ver.1.018, Manual Ver.1.033
Javardry Ver.1.041, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.159, JavardryEditor Ver.1.017, Manual Ver.1.032
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added a check for "Do not display modification effects on hidden attribute values." (In the "Spell" item in the "Main" tab of the editor)
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.158
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused hidden attribute values to become NaN (undefined) depending on the settings when creating a PC.
Javardry Ver.1.040, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.157, Manual Ver.1.031
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added poison damage to the PC status specification in the dungeon event "Add PC".
Javardry Ver.1.039, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.156, JavardryEditor Ver.1.016, Manual Ver.1.030
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added dungeon placement and PC status specification in the dungeon event "Add PC".
Javardry Ver.1.038
[Javardry] Replaced with the same version due to a bug.
Javardry Ver.1.038, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.155, JavardryEditor Ver.1.015, Manual Ver.1.029
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Changed so that the characteristic value can be set up to 36. However, note that the 11th and subsequent values are treated as hidden parameters.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] HiddenAdded debug commands (abiView, abi0View, abi1View) that display PC characteristic values including parameters.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added conditional expressions (Situation, Situation[ ]) that return the current situation (moving through a dungeon, in battle, etc.).
[JavardryEditor] Increased the amount of scrolling with the scroll button (and mouse wheel) in the editor scroll pane (such as in the "Main" tab where a large number of checkboxes are lined up vertically).
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed other bugs.
Javardry Ver.1.037, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.154
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] When "Inherit spell effects when resuming" was unchecked, "Spell Seal" was also erased along with other spell effects, so this has been fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.036, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.153, Manual Ver.1.028
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Fixed so that trap difficulty references ( can be used freely in the spell effects of treasure chest traps and dungeon event spell effects.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.152
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that occurred when the level-up setting was set to "Learn spells in order."
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added encryption and playback function for music files (MIDI, MP3, WAVE).
Javardry Ver.1.034
[Javardry] Fixed a bug where the position before the movement was not cleared immediately after passing through a shutter or one-way door. (Before the fix, if you escaped from a battle in the same position, you would return to the position before passing through the shutter, etc.)
[Javardry] Fixed a bug where the shutter was not displayed when passing through a shutter by moving left and right (crab walking).
[Javardry] The search range for the "Find Allies" command has been corrected to 6 steps, the same as the HTML5 version (originally 2 steps).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.151
[JavardryHTML5 version] Operation was confirmed on iPhone 11, and some parts of the display that were broken on iPhone were fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.033
[Javardry][Bug fix] Fixed a bug where the effect of possessing an item was not immediately reflected when obtaining an item at an event.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.150
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Spell effect 25: Fixed a bug in "Item synthesis".
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug when the characteristic value was set to "Maximum value set individually".
Javardry Ver.1.032, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.149, JavardryEditor Ver.1.013, Manual Ver.1.023
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added a check to "Attack the first monster in the group" in the battle item in the "Main" tab of the editor.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.148
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed so that the button color changes when touched (clicked) on a smartphone (or tablet PC).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.147
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed the double attack of summoned monsters, which was not working properly.
Javardry Ver.1.031, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.146
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the reference did not work when the target's occupation general modifier was referenced in the calculation formula for spell effects between PCs and the general modifier included a PC reference value.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.145
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where dice rolls were not possible when calculating monster damage.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.144, Manual Ver.1.024
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Changed to display monster confirmation animation during battle even when local restrictions are activated.
Javardry Ver.1.030, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.143, Manual Ver.1.023
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added summon monster references "SummonType[]" and "SummonState[]" to the conditional expression.
Javardry Ver.1.029, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.142, Manual Ver.1.022
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added reference to the position of adventurers and monsters in a party (group).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.141, Manual Ver.1.021
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] The LocalForced setting of the executable HTML file has been abolished and changed to automatic determination.
[Manual] Describes how to run without operational restrictions in a PC's local environment.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.140
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where summoned monsters could not use spells that targeted one enemy.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where summoned monsters could not use breath attacks that targeted all enemies.
Javardry Ver.1.028, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.139
[Javardry] Fixed the issue where the top and bottom event frames in the dungeon were not displayed when displaying line drawings.
[Javardry] Added a scrollable mark display to match the HTML5 version when there are many options (when displaying by scrolling).
[JavardryHTML5 version] When setting keys in the game, uppercase letters were forced to lowercase, making some button settings impossible, so this has been fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.027, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.138
[Javardry] Fixed a problem where the display limit was not set when the number of items held was large in the "Give Item" dungeon event.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed so that the right-click menu can be used on the text input field.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.137
[JavardryHTML5 version] Slightly improved memory leak when displaying 3D (dungeon image display).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.136
[JavardryHTML5 version] When saving the effect of spell effect 72 "Grant Resistance" (play data), there was a discrepancy in the save format with the Java version, so it has been corrected to match the Java version. (※ Affected when converting save data)
Javardry Ver.1.026, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.135, Manual Ver.1.020
[Javardry] Fixed a bug where the music of the dungeon to which the elevator was teleported would not play if the event was "Teleport to another dungeon".
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added a function to allow key settings in the game.
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added a function to set the face image by specifying an image file.
Javardry Ver.1.025, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.134, Manual Ver.1.019
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Fixed to allow SP release to be performed continuously.
Javardry Ver.1.024, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.133, JavardryEditor Ver.1.012, Manual Ver.1.018
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Spell effects 50 "AC Modifier", 52 "Accuracy Modifier", 54 "Spell Nullification Modifier", 56 "Spell Resistance Modifier", 58 "Breath Resistance Modifier", 60 "Spell Seal", 61 "Continuous HP Recovery", 64 "Attribute Value Modifier", 66 "Additional Damage Modifier", 68 "Maximum HP Temporary Change", 70 "Number of Attacks Modifier", 72 "Resistance Grant", 74 "Additional Attack Effect" have been modified so that monsters can also use them on adventurers.
Javardry Ver.1.023, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.132, JavardryEditor Ver.1.011, Manual Ver.1.017
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when creating a new character when converting save data from the Java version and loading it into the HTML5 version.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Spell effect 17 "Level Drain" has been modified so that monsters can also use it on adventurers.
Javardry Ver.1.022, JavardryEditor Ver.1.010
[Javardry, JavardryEditor] When loading old data (probably from editor version 0.432 or earlier), the flag operation part for each dungeon floor was not being read correctly, so this has been fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.021, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.131, Manual Ver.1.016
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added the ability to view the number of people in your party (group) for both PC and monsters.
Javardry Ver.1.020
[Javardry] Fixed a bug that caused the game to stop loading when loading HTML5 version save data converted to Java version save data in the editor.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.130
The version remains 0.130, but various bugs have been fixed.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.130
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused an error to occur and the game not to start when using Flag[] in some calculation formulas.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused the game to fall into an infinite loop and not start when using pc.Item[] in some calculation formulas.
[JavardryHTML5 version][Bug fix] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze outside of town if the game was set to not save unless all players were wiped out in the dungeon.
Javardry Ver.1.019, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.129, JavardryEditor Ver.1.009, Manual Ver.1.015
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added "Show equipment conditions" to the item-related settings on the editor's main tab.
Javardry Ver.1.018, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.128, JavardryEditor Ver.1.008, Manual Ver.1.014
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Changed so that the bonus dice settings when creating a PC can be specified by a formula.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added a function to convert save data between Javardry main body (Java version) and Javardry HTML5 version in the editor. It is recommended to try it after making a backup of the original data.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.127, Manual Ver.1.013
[JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Changed to allow gamepad controls to be turned on/off in the options (to enable the use of JoyToKey, etc.).
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.126
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the attack count was not being counted correctly during group attacks with weapons.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze in some situations when adding items to a party using a spell effect and selecting "Add items in order from the top."
Javardry Ver.1.017, Manual Ver.1.012
[Javardry, Manual] Changed the execution condition (conditional expression) of spell effect 427 "Display message" to be able to refer to the caster, etc., in the same way as the execution condition of spell effect 422 "Flag operation".
[Javardry] Changed spell effect 31 "Maximum MP change" to apply to deceased PCs as well.
Manual Ver.1.011
[Manual] Added notes about editor files (such as "Open" and "Save overwrite").
Javardry Ver.1.016, JavardryEditor Ver.1.007
[Javardry, JavardryEditor] Fixed a bug in the editor when modifying the wall existence flag and map traversal flag when adding a dungeon.
Javardry Ver.1.015, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.125
[Javardry] Fixed a strange display when using spell effect 402 "Display PC position" in a selective spell while camping.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when using spell effect 402 "Display PC position" in a selective item use effect while camping.
Javardry Ver.1.014, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.124, Manual Ver.1.010
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] Added the formula "pt.stateNum[ ]" and the conditional expression "stateNum[ ]" to refer to the number of adventurers in a party with a specified state.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.123
[JavardryHTML5 version] Made the smartphone operation buttons slightly larger.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.122, manual Ver.1.009
[JavardryHTML5 version] Supports browser resizing. ... I hope it's possible.
[Manual] Added notes on releasing the HTML5 version for online play.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.121
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed an issue where key operations were not possible when an event occurred after moving on a sliding floor.
Javardry Ver.1.013, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.120, JavardryEditor Ver.1.006
[Javardry, JavardryEditor] Fixed a bug that prevented "\" from being specified in the initial PC title settings.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the specified floor number to be incorrectly determined in the dungeon event "Teleport to other dungeons".
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when restoring save data.
Javardry Ver.1.012, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.119
[Javardry] When the spell effect 65 "Attribute value correction (during battle)" was applied to an adventurer, the number of remaining turns of the spell effect during battle was not displayed, so this has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] When displaying the number of remaining turns of the spell effect during battle, the number of turns was displayed as one less, so this has been fixed.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.118
[JavardryHTML5 version] During castle events, the name display of the castle town was not erased, so this has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] When activating a selective spell effect during battle, the message prompting the player to make a selection was not cleared until the effect was activated, so this has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when an adventurer exhaled a breath.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug that caused the items dropped by monsters to differ from the settings depending on how they were defeated.
Manual Ver.1.008
[Manual] Added instructions on how to proceed in the early stages of the game for those who are unfamiliar with Wizardry Like.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.117
[JavardryHTML5 version] The message "It's pitch black!" was displayed in the dark zone even when the dark zone was visible due to the effect of the spell effect 100 "Lighting". This has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in displaying battle messages during monster breath actions.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.116
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in referencing the spell target name in the monster battle message.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in referencing the number of attack targets (group attack) when attacking with a subweapon, which referenced the number of attack targets from the main weapon.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in reading the wall presence flag from the save data.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in displaying the battle message during monster breath actions ...
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.115, manual Ver.1.007
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed "Don't be cursed if appraisal fails" not working.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed bug when summoned monsters attack, even if the group of the target is wiped out, the attack would still be attempted.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed issue where the options were hidden by the item description window when there were many effects when using item effects (multiple choice).
[Manual] Added and corrected information about the operating environment for HTML5 version.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.114
[JavardryHTML5 version] The "Add PC" event was acting strangely, so it has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] The payment for "Remove Curse" and "Appraise" at the store was reversed, so it has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] When the entire party was wiped out due to sustained HP damage during battle, the "Flag operation when the entire party was wiped out" was not functioning, so it has been fixed.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a mistake in the judgment of "Give item" in the dungeon event.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a problem where the music settings in the training ground were not reflected.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version] Added a display of the current turn number to the status display screen for spell effects etc. during battle.
[Scenario #1 The Swordmaster King's Trial] Fixed a problem where the "Do not nullify" checkbox was not checked for the effect of using the item "Oxygen Deprivation Ring".
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.112
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a problem where the reference to the weapon name was not working in the battle message for the item (weapon).
[JavardryHTML5 version] Spell effect 61: Fixed a bug where the step count (duration) setting did not work when "Continuous HP Recovery" was cast on an individual.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when "Paralysis/Petrification" was cast on multiple targets.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the item acquisition process was bugged in some situations.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.111
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the monster hit value (value that can be referenced with monster.hit) was strange.
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the game would stop loading sound when run on iOS, so temporarily changed the game to force the sound to be turned off when run on iOS.
Javardry Ver.1.010, JavardryEditor Ver.1.005
[Javardry, JavardryEditor] In the editor, only allies could be selected as the target of spell effect 31 "Maximum MP Change", so this has been fixed.
Javardry Ver.1.009, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.110, Manual Ver.1.006
[Javardry] In spell effect 73 "Grant Resistance (during battle)", the monster's resistance modification was not possible after the duration turn had passed, so this has been fixed.
[Javardry, JavardryHTML5 version, Manual] References to item descriptions, etc. have been fixed. More special characters can now be escaped.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.109
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where the actions of monsters killed with Dispell were not canceled.
JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.108
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed a bug where music files were not loaded properly when running on Ubuntu.
Javardry Ver.1.008, JavardryHTML5 version Ver.0.107, Manual Ver.1.005
[Javardry, Manual] Changed to forcibly display line drawings when there is no wall image (or when none is specified).
[JavardryHTML5 version] Fixed the fact that the job change command was displayed even when the setting was not set to change jobs in the training ground.
[Manual] Added a note that the number of displayed characters for multi-line text includes two half-width characters for prohibition processing.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added the ability to specify the chamber number for the spell effects "411: Erase chamber monsters" and "412: Rearrange chamber monsters."
[JavardryEditor][Bug fix] Fixed the "Flee" setting in monster battle messages, which was not possible to set.
Javardry Ver.0.407, Manual Ver.0.666
[Javardry, Manual] Added reference to explanatory text (whether specified string is included) in calculation formula.
Javardry Ver.0.406, Manual Ver.0.665
[Javardry, Manual] Added reference to double hit effect and defense effect when referencing PC in calculation formula.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] It is now possible to operate the hidden door flag and the locked door flag by manipulating the flags. It is nice that you can use it so that a hidden door appears or the locked state of a door changes by some event such as pressing a switch.
[Javardry] When "Only learnable spells" was checked for the spell effects "20: Learn spells" and "21: Forget spells", only learnable spells were looked at, so it has been corrected to take into account the minimum and maximum learnable spell levels.
For the spell effects "200:HP Damage", "201:Reduce Life, Instant Death, HP Absorption", and "202:Breath", the state of the adventurer when they die can be selected from "Death", "Ashes", and "Disappearance".
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] When clicking the check button in the editor, the text after line break processing is now only displayed for testing.
Javardry Ver.0.398, Manual Ver.0.657
[Javardry, Manual] MP3 can now be used for sound effects... but it's a bit slow and there are some issues. I hope it will be usable in a Windows environment.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] 【Specification Change】Flags and special flags have been separated, and up to 9999 flags can now be used. (※Those who used the previous special flags (Flag[1000], Flag[1001]) will need to make the necessary changes.)
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added reference to the caster and the target at the time of the event to the execution conditions of spell effect 422 "Flag Operation".
[Javardry] Fixed a bug in the synthesis process of the same item in the spell effect 25 "Item synthesis" when using an item or releasing SP.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Changed so that SP release cannot be performed consecutively (requires reselecting equipment). (Because processing becomes strange when the items held change due to SP release)
[Javardry, JavardryEditor] Increased the maximum number of spell effects to 9999.
※Please note that save data (play data) saved with main body Ver.0.388 or later cannot be read correctly with older versions. Please make a backup if necessary.
[Manual] Added "Discard" check to spell effect "Item Erase" etc., because I forgot to mention it.
[JavardryEditor] When referencing discarded items (DumpItem[ ][ ]), when specifying all items (-1), it was not linked to the change in dungeon number, so it was fixed.
[Javardry] For solo parties, the party will be disbanded when you select Remove Allies at the bar.
※Please note that save data (play data) saved with main body Ver.0.388 or later cannot be loaded correctly with older versions. Please make a backup if necessary.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added a check to "Do not display correction messages such as AC corrections" in [Battle] under [Main] in the Editor. It is checked by default.
[Bug fix] The debug command "hpMax" was no longer working, so it has been fixed.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] It is now possible to set execution conditions for spell effects "422: Flag manipulation", "425: Title assignment", and "427: Message display".
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] The damage rate of items can now be specified using a formula.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] In the Item/Monster Catalog, when hidden, items were displayed as "---------" in the list, but this has now been changed to hidden.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] A setting has been added to Secret Door 2 that allows items to be found only from one side.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Walls and doors can now be displayed and hidden.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] The wall display flag and map arrival flag can now also be manipulated in flag operations.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added flag manipulation at initialization to [Other].
[Javardry, Manual] Changed flag manipulation command for debug command.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Created an event to add a PC.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Added a setting for "Do not change music when camping" to the settings for each floor of the dungeon.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Changed the MP recovery amount when staying at an inn (specified as a percentage of maximum MP) to MP recovery value specification.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] Changed the method of determining preemptive attacks. We apologize to scenario authors, but in existing scenarios, the preemptive attack rate needs to be reset. If it is not set, it is fixed at 5%.
[Javardry, JavardryEditor, Manual] In the dungeon event [Monster Appearance], it is now possible to set flag operations separately for victory, escape, and annihilation