In Javardry, players create characters, known as adventurers, skilled in combat and exploration, to challenge the labyrinth. These adventurers possess the following attributes:
- Name
Adventurers can be assigned names up to 20 characters long in single-byte format. Names can be changed later in the training grounds, though duplicate names among adventurers are not allowed.
- Level
An indicator of strength; higher values denote superior adventurers. Levels increase after sufficient experience is accumulated and a stay at the inn is completed, resulting in attribute adjustments, increased HP, and the learning of spells for eligible adventurers.
- Race
Up to 36 races are available depending on the scenario. Each race has variations in lifespan, initial and maximum attribute values, and base AC. Some races also possess abilities like resistance, regeneration, spell immunity, or breath attacks. Refer to the items section for details on resistance abilities.
- Age and Lifespan
Each race has a predetermined lifespan, with age set during adventurer creation. Age increases when staying at the inn or changing professions. It reflects physical age rather than chronological age. If an adventurer's age reaches their lifespan at the inn, they succumb to senescence.
- Gender
Four genders exist: Male, Female, Bigender, and Neither. Gender can restrict professions and may modify initial attribute values. Certain scenarios may omit gender settings for specific races.
While terminology may vary across scenarios, the underlying mechanics remain the same.
- Alignment (Disposition or Creed)
Adventurers are categorized into three alignments, influencing profession choices. Terminology may vary across scenarios, but the mechanics are consistent.
- Good
Compassionate individuals who cannot ignore those in need. In some scenarios, they cannot form parties with evil adventurers in the tavern. They refrain from fighting even monsters showing friendly behavior. Repeated attacks on friendly monsters may shift their alignment to Evil.
- Neutral
Ordinary individuals neither good nor evil, free to form parties with adventurers of any alignment.
- Evil
Self-serving individuals who disregard others unless it benefits them. In some scenarios, they cannot form parties with good adventurers in the tavern. They show no mercy even to friendly monsters. Repeatedly sparing friendly monsters may shift their alignment to Good.
- Profession
Up to 36 professions exist depending on the scenario, with restrictions based on gender, alignment, and attributes. Professions affect HP growth, experience requirements for leveling, AC adjustments, hit rate, attack frequency, unarmed damage, and item carrying limits. Some professions offer abilities such as critical strikes, knockout attacks, item appraisal, spell proficiency, curse removal, and trap detection.
Adventurers can change professions if conditions are met, though their level, attributes, and HP may be affected by the scenario.
- HP and MP
HP (Hit Points) represent durability and life force; adventurers die if this reaches zero. It decreases when attacked and recovers through healing spells, items, or resting at the inn.
MP (Magic Points) quantify mental and magical energy. MP is categorized by spell types and levels. Casting spells reduces MP, which can be restored with items or by staying at the inn.
- AC
Armor Class indicates evasiveness. In the "Wiz" system, lower values indicate better evasion, though this may vary by scenario. AC changes based on equipment and spell effects.
The status screen displays the base value, profession adjustments, and equipment adjustments, with temporary modifications from spells shown in parentheses.
- Attributes
Quantified adventurer abilities, with up to 36 types (e.g., strength, wisdom, faith) depending on the scenario. Attributes may fluctuate upon leveling and can temporarily change due to equipment or spells. A zero in any attribute typically results in senescence. Attributes determine profession eligibility and influence success in various actions.
Adjustments from items appear in orange on the status screen.
- Experience (EXP) and Next Level Requirements (NEXT)
Gained by defeating enemies, experience points allow leveling up once a set threshold for the profession is reached, provided the adventurer stays at the inn.
- Gold
Measured in GP, adventurers use gold for lodging, healing, and purchasing items, acquired from treasure chests after defeating enemies.
- Death Count (RIP) and Kill Count (MARKS)
Records the number of deaths and kills, primarily for documentation, though some scenarios may factor them into gameplay. To hide these metrics, set the relevant entries in `defaultMessage.txt` to "none."
- Title
A six-character string, awarded for accomplishments such as completing trials or scenarios, intended for use as an adventurer-specific flag.
- Status
Adventurers experience various statuses during adventures. Some naturally recover over time or with specific spells/items, while severe conditions may require temple intervention.
- Normal (O.K.)
Indicates no abnormal states. HP is unaffected, so even a critically low HP adventurer may display "Normal."
- Afraid
Paralyzed by fear, unable to use spells or appraise items. This state naturally resolves but can also be remedied with items, spells, or resting at the inn.
- Asleep
A combat-only state rendering the adventurer immobile. AC and damage modifiers apply when attacked. Awakening may occur naturally, through spells/items, or by taking damage.
- Fainted
A combat-only state where the adventurer is unconscious and immobile. Recovery requires spells or items.
- Silence
Prevents spellcasting during combat. Some spells may be exempt based on the scenario. Recovery depends on the silence type, spells, or items.
- Spell Seal
Blocks spell usage, recoverable by walking, changing floors, or exiting the dungeon, depending on the seal type.
- Restrained
Prevents the use of breath, items, spells, and curse removal during combat. Recovery occurs naturally or with items/spells.
- Hated
Compels targeting of a specific enemy or group for all actions in combat.
- Poisoned
Causes damage per step or turn. Cured with spells/items or by exiting the dungeon.
- Paralyzed
Immobilizes the adventurer, with AC and damage modifiers applying when attacked. Recovery requires temple treatment or spells/items.
- Petrified
Similar to paralysis but considered more severe in original works. Recovery requires spells/items or temple treatment.
- Dead
Indicates death, recoverable with resurrection spells, items, or temple rituals. Failure results in ashed status.
- Ashed
Indicates the adventurer's body has turned to ash. Resurrection attempts may fail, resulting in lost status.
- Lost
Indicates complete body dissolution, generally irrecoverable. However, some scenarios may provide spells or items to reverse this state.